zaterdag 27 januari 2024

Between the lines...

A portrait of a friend ...

Somewhere between the lines 
I draw your face
every line pleasing to the eye,
every ripple a sign that you survived.
You fought hard.
I might be color blind
but to me you are my everyday mishmash.
One of the reasons to keep playing this game
and even to make an extra move.
Come on, let's take the plunge.
Let us drift, overtake and explore.
It's our eyes, it's our look,
they tell stories that only we can translate

(Hurray, what a color picture)

Geen opmerkingen:


Jij stoere bast  zonder neiging voor 2 laat me vol verlangen staan. Ik, de dwaas  die steeds  tot het gevoel  en de verbeelding praat, schre...